Monday, August 13, 2012

Matrix Notation Appendix


Here, we describe how symbols are used in these lessons represent vectors, matricies, and other matrix algebra entities.


Bold-face, lower-case letters refer to vectors; and italic lower-case letters refer to vector elements. For example:

  •  a and x refer to vectors a and x, respectively. 
  • aij refers to the element in row i and column j of vector a.

General Matricies

Bold-face, capital letters refer to matrices, italic capital letters refer to matrix elements, and subscripts reveal matrix dimensions. For example: 

  • A and X refer to matrices A and X, respectively. 
  • Aij refers to the element in row i and column j of matrix A
  • Aij refers to an i by j matrix A.
Spectial Matrix and Matrix Properties

Special matrices are represented by special notation. For example,
  • A' refers to the transpose of matrix A.
  • I refers to an identity matrix.
  • In refers to an n x n identity matrix.
  • 1 refers to the sum vector, a column vector having all of its elements equal to one.
  • 1n is a 1 x n sum vector.
  • |A| refers to the determinant of matrix A.
  • x refers to a matrix of deviation scores derived from the raw scores of matrix X.
Note: Like vectors, deviation score matrices are often denoted by a lower-case, boldface letter, such as x. This can cause confusion, but usually the meaning is clear from the context.

Elementary Operations

In many references, including this site, you will encounter a compact notation to describe elementary operations. That notation is shown below.
  • Ri <--> Rj means to interchange rows i and j of a matrix.
  • sRi --> Ri means to multiply row i by s.
  • sRi + Rj --> Rj means to add s times row i to row j.
  • Ci <--> Cj means to interchange columns i and j
  • sCi --> Ci means to multiply column i by s.
  • sCi + Cj --> Cj means to add s times column i to column j.

Echleon Matrices

  • Aref denotes a row echelon form of matrix A.
  • Arref denotes the reduced row echelon form of matrix A.

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